Wednesday, February 17, 2010

First curry, dhal and peas

first curry, dhal and peas
Originally uploaded by toxssin

Mama was determined to make me a curry - but Daddy persuaded her to make it a mild 'indian' curry. It was definitely different from the mince and peas I've had to date, but the dhal was delicious.

Daddy - you better let Mama make a proper sinhala curry next time!

Tic tac teeth?

tic tac teeth?
Originally uploaded by toxssin

I know you saw this photo last month, but I like it and I think you need to compare it with this guy's
I now have a couple more up top and two down below.

If only people would stop trying to brush them!

Playing with the digibox

Playing with the digibox
Originally uploaded by toxssin

when no one is watching....

...and if I get caught...

nice recovery, don't you think?!

get me in the tub

Thilan off for a bath
Originally uploaded by toxssin

Someone asked for a clip of me walking. Hopefully this fits the bill!

The bath before bedtime is the start of my favourite times of the day - bath, bedtime stories and slumberland!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Alexander Mcqueen (1969-2010)

Nunca sequer sonhei em vestir umas das peças dele, mas secretamente admirava-o. E via as fotos das celebridades e modelos vestidas dos pés à cabeça com as suas roupas exuberantes e sentia um grãozinho de inveja....é triste que tenha acabado assim, tão cedo...

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Foi ao armário, abriu a gaveta e espalhou as meias todas pelo chão.
Ele (com um sorriso malandro a apontar para as meias espalhadas):
- Sschock! Sschock! Sschock!
- Pois é, Thilan espalhaste as meias todas no chão. Meias todas no chão!
Ele (ainda mais sorridente, agora com ar orgulhoso):
- Sschock tu ssjão!


Tradução para quem não entende Thilanês:
Sschock - sock (meia)

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Alguns dias...

...são assim, dificeis. E a unica coisa que me ajuda a continuar é o sorriso dele, aberto, carinhoso e inocente, quando me vê entrar em casa, depois de um longo dia de trabalho.