Saturday, September 02, 2006


Isto é para pôr cobro às más línguas . Sim, aquelas que duvidam das minhas proezas na área da agrícultura. Como podem ver, aqui se encontra o meu pé de feijão verde (sim, é verdade, tenho apenas um) no fundo do jardim - no meu "vegetable patch" como gosta de ser chamado.

Esta minha plantinha está bem e recomenda-se, tendo produzido um número respeitável de deliciosas e suculentas vagens.

E fica aqui provado!!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Elisabette! Those green beans look delicious... You should tell us how you prepared them for lunch or dinner. One of my friends here has planted her first orchard and she offered me some tomatoes, they were huge and really good. We ate them in salad or in "gazpacho" -kind of cold vegetable soup-.

Xana said...

Dear Monica,
I am so happy you came to "visit" me here. Did you understand the Portuguese? I'm sure you did. After all, it's not that different from your language!
We had our beans mainly chopped, boiled and then drizzled with olive oil, vinegar and some garlic. The husband's favorite!

Ohhh Gazpacho!! I absolutely love gazpacho. I recently spent a week in Granada (what an beautiful place!) and the weather was pretty hot. We had the most amazing, cooling Gazpacho ever! Delicious! Maybe I should come to visit, so you can teach me how to make it.
Take care, darling!

Anonymous said...

Hi elisabete,
Of course I can read Portuguese, it's very similar to spanish. I cannot write it yet, but maybe one day...
I love the photos at Sri Lanka, did you enjoy over there? Which is the official language, still Portuguese or English now?
I will send you some of my next holidays.
You can come to my home when you want and we prepare you some Spanish and Chilean food.
Take care, Mónica