Monday, October 20, 2008

Niss on Sunday(+1) #2

What a surprise! The theory was that I was most likely to find an hour free to file something on the blog on a Sunday, but those who know me also know me for my flawed theories!

Anyway, I'm here now.

Having accepted a rather ungenerous offer for our (finally) rather lovely home (see previous entry if you want to see the brochure), we've begun looking in earnest at places that we might call home number 2. But I am premature.....

Xana and I spent most of Saturday at antenatal classes with other first-time parents-to-be. As promised by the Daily Mail, we even had our own stereotypical gobby single teenager accompanied somewhat reluctantly by the dude who did the doing! It was an enlightening experience and did take away some of the trepidation, but then I'm not the one who is going to be giving birth! At least we saw the ward where, all being well, our little one will enter the world and it's not too shabby. Please bear in mind that this is coming from someone who is looking at living under the bridge in a few cardboard boxes.

The good news from the classes was that the little one doesn't need washing all that often, in fact the lesser then better! To quote the midwife - just top and tail the little darling and they'll be fine. The bad news is that he'll probably require tailing at least 6 times a day! The baddest news was something I had never heard before which is that the umbilicus gets gangrenous before it drops off. When I used to visit houses with newborns, I assumed the smell was from nappies and burped up milk, but clealy this must have been mostly made up of rotting, gangrene-ridden human flesh! I think I found one reason to have a summer can leave the baby out in the garden with the umbilicus on show in the hope that a passing crow might have off with it (leaving behind a gangrene-free baby).

As I started saying earlier, we spent the rest of the weekend looking here and quite afar at houses. Based on the prices and the quality of the properties we saw, there are some real comedians out there, and the estate agents don't help. One house was described as well-presented in the brochure. It was not. I think it would have been doing it more justice to describe it as "furnished in slum-chic". The agent who showed us around referred to it as the smelly house! Enough said. The search continues....

Belly continues to grow and doesn't appear to give much rest. It's great to see an arm, leg or bottom stick out of my wife's tum but sometimes it takes Xana's breath away. Our wait continues....

1 comment:

maribete said...

After several consults to dictionary I have understood the poster. It wasn't easy for me! My english isn´t good enough to understand english people!....yet.
I understand you wery well when you tell us the things that someone has tried to teach about careful with baby. Today, there are many people that seems a little fool!
At least I hope you"ll find a beautiful house soon to avoid living under the bridge!